Вопросы и ответы по R: часть 2

Вопросы и ответы по программированию на R (для собеседований). Полный список вопросов доступен здесь.

Часть 2 (10 вопросов)

1. Data structure — How many data structures R has? How do you build a binary search tree in R?

R mainly has 5 data structures.

Homogeneous(contain the same type of objects): vector —> matrix —> array
Heterogeneous(allow different type of objects): list —> data frame

A binary search tree requires several actions: implement a tree, insert nodes and delete nodes. We should create individual routines in R.

 R programming

In R, a matrix is the ideal data structure to contain the linked elements. Then a list should be used to wrap the matrix and pass the arguments.

For insert-node routine, there is the pseudocode for it. The key point here is to use recursion in R’s function. Norman Matloff gave a complete example at page 180 of his book.

2. Sorting — How many sorting algorithms are available? Show me an example in R.

There are mainly 5 kinds of sorting algorithms(with their complexity):

Bubble Sort — O(n^2);
Selection Sort — O(n^2)
Merge Sort — O(n log n)
Quick Sort — from O(n log n) to O(n^2)
Bucket Sort — O(n + m)

R has a native sort function sort(), which is written by C and uses Quick Sort.

There is an example of Quick Sort in R by recursion


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Часть 1

Часть 3

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